Kolez international missions

Our Program areas

KOLEZ International has over thirteen years of experience in widows' services and has equally managed various vulnerable youths-focused projects across five (5) States of Nigeria, including Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo. Through these projects, KOLEZ International Nigeria has reached more than 600 (400 widows and 200 youths) vulnerable beneficiaries, encompassing orphans and vulnerable children and their caregivers with services. It is noteworthy to mention KOLEZ International has experience managing direct awards from foreign and local donors, which has enabled the interventions it has been able to cover for the past 13 years of its operation. Notable among its areas of interventions are listed hereunder: 

Children development enhanced by our effort

1. Health:

 KOLEZ International strives to make high-quality health care accessible to vulnerable households. KOLEZ International health education programs cover medical packages such as blood pressure and sugar level checks, HIV/Aids, hepatitis screening, etc. In addition to those mentioned above, we also carry out nutrition, sanitation, and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education for the youths.

2. Economic Empowerment: 

KOLEZ International, through household economic strengthening activities, works with vulnerable households to improve their livelihood and increase their financial resilience. We also focus on alleviating the plights of the most vulnerable people: widows and orphans, by giving widows 0% interest loans to start their businesses. KOLEZ International Women Empowerment Program is designed to provide business and live support services to widows who are the breadwinners of their families. Through these interventions, we continue to create conditions that enable our widows to live life with a reasonable degree of stability, support, and access to resources required to cater to their basic needs, empowering them to find satisfaction in life and raise their children. 

3. Education:

 Offering formal education, under this, children from vulnerable families receive scholarships to enable them to attend school. 

a. KOLEZ International provides educational support schemes that aim to empower orphans and vulnerable households and their households. These schemes include  

b. vocational Education programs, entrepreneur mentorship, and vocational skill development 

c. Enhancing Literacy through home visits and youth clubs, KOLEZ International provides vital reading and writing skills, especially among adolescent girls, to help them improve their school performance. Summarily, Kolez missions developed the intervention to ensure that orphans and students from less privileged backgrounds have continuous access to high-quality primary, secondary and tertiary education. The intervention creates an environment where all young people, especially orphans, have access to education to realize their full potential. Our approach focuses on promoting and investing in issues that will lead to quality education in close partnership with schools, locally and internationally. 

4. Gender: 

KOLEZ International integrate gender into the design, implementation, and evaluation of all its project to improve outcomes and increase equality among girls, boys, women, and men. KOLEZ International's gender-sensitive programming includes effective gender intervention strategies that transform unequal norms and behavior, empower women and girls, and engage men and boys in the community as partners and agents of progressive norms and behaviors that lead to social change. 

5. Advocacy: 

KOLEZ International advocates for the rights of orphans, vulnerable children, and widows to reduce the socioeconomic and cultural barriers they face. KOLEZ International advocate government to make orphans and vulnerable children issues visible in budgetary plans and allocation as well as put in place mechanism to ensure appropriate utilization of allocated funds

6. Capacity Building

KOLEZ International's capacity-building approach seeks to improve the organizational and technical capacity of community-based organizations and systems and structures at community and Local Government levels to provide quality care for orphans and vulnerable children and their households.

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